Term 3 2018, Marsden Road Public School - Week 6
A teacher from the school heard the kids narrating/reading the story during the recording and she was so impressed! She said she had been listening and that they were doing such a fantastic job. The kids were pleased, and it was really encouraging for them.
Today we made big love hearts for the final scene of the movie, using big sheets of cardboard. We made lots of mess with sparkles and confetti style hearts and other cuttings! The kids enjoyed this and added their own flair to their hearts. They took all session making them.
While the kids were doing art, some groups went to record the narration for the video. This wasFANTASTIC. The kids were so into the reading and expression. They were all so kind to each other and supportive and helpful. Some children helped others who aren’t reading yet. We all talked about how practice helps you get better and that we all had a time when we couldn’t read yet. The children showed empathy and genuine support to each other including words of encouragement, pats on the back and hugs without my prompting. Not once did they correct each other in rude or patronising ways.