The Writers’ Room is about
cultural democracy - who gets to read, write and share stories, and
cultural innovation - how are those stories told.

This project is supported by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund.
“I have never ceased to be amazed by the brilliant sparks that rub off at language contact points, creating a new language.
The Writers’ Room The Writers’ Room is an invitation to join a supportive writing group for writers in Greater Western Sydney who write in languages additional to or other than English.
This program runs for a year (during school term time) and offers emerging writers the opportunity to work with established writer/mentors.
For the 2022 program our mentor is Peter Polites.
The Writers’ Room creates a space for people to be free to write regardless of form, language or publication history, and to gain the support of peers and insights into the craft of writing from experienced writers.
The Writers' Room is an affirmation of linguistic plurality, and an exploration of what the creative domain of multilingualism can enable.
Our starting point is creative play and experimentation, including an exploration of the exciting possibilities that the mixing of language worlds can create.
The Writers’ Room is developed for writers living or working in Greater Western Sydney regardless of the language(s) in which they write.
We invite writers interested to join The Writers’ Room writers to complete an expression of interest by clicking on the button below.
To find out about the 2023 program, please make sure you join our newsletter here and follow us on social media here and here.
The Writers’ Room began at the end of May 2022. We meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month, during school term. Applicants will be provided with further details upon selection.